The Dutscher group brands

23 Storage screening Indicative prices. Visit hApplications : short-term storage hMade of 50.8 µm polypropylene hOperating temperature : -40 °C to 120 °C hFor 2 x 8-tube strips and plates hDimensions without tab: 76.2 x 19.1 mm hWith two detachable tabs hTransparent ClearLine® ThermalSeal® 2 x 8 MiniStrips™ Films DNase RNase Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 760248 ClearLine® ThermalSeal® 2 x 8 MiniStripsTMFilms 200 NC - MICROPLATES SEALING h89 µm vinyl film with 18 µm adhesive layer hWith pre-cut X for easy piercing of the adhesive with a pipette tip when taking samples hAfter sampling and removal of the tip, the "X" closes and the sample is still protected from contamination hDimensions : 79.4 x 145.5 mm hOperating temperature : -40 °C to +90 °C ClearLine®X-Pierce™ Film Applications: short-term storage, incubation, ELISA. hMade of 25.4 µm polyester hOperating temperature : -40 °C to 120 °C hFor plates without collar hDimensions without tab (mm): 121.2 x 79.4 hWith two detachable tabs hTransparent hThin film easily pierced with a pipette tip ClearLine® ThinSeal™ Film Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 760204 Film ThinSeal™ ClearLine® 100 NC - 760205 Film ThinSeal™ ClearLine® sterile 100 NC - Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 760234 X-Pierce™Film 100 NC - 760235 X-Pierce™ Film, sterile 50 NC -