The Dutscher group brands

38 Media Microbiology Reagents - Chemicals Mac Conkey (broth) - according topharmacopoeia Mac Conkey (agar) - according topharmacopoeia Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693302 100 ml bottle of Mac Conkey Broth - ClearLine® 10 NC - Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693369 100 ml bottle of Mac ConkeyBroth* - ClearLine® 10 NC - 693448 100 ml bottle of Mac ConkeyBroth* - ClearLine® 6 NC - * Not in accordance with the pharmacopoeia For the detection of coliforms in water, milk and pharmaceutical preparations. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C hIncubation : 42 - 44 °C for 24 - 48 h Di fferential medium to guide the identification of lactose-fermenting and non-lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceae. I t i s r e c ommended f o r t he detection of escherichia coli in water, f o o d , d a i r y p r o d u c t s a n d pharmaceutical preparations. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C hIncubation hAccording to ISO 21567 : 37 ± 1 °C for 20 - 24 h hAccording to ISO 21150 : 30 - 35 °C for 24 h Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Enterobacter aerogenes Escherichia coli Ready-to-use media Malt (Agar) Recommended for the detection, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 25 - 30 °C for 18 - 72 h Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693437 Slant tube malt extract agar - ClearLine® 100 NC - 693370 100 ml bottle malt extract agar - ClearLine® 10 NC - Ready-to-use media Mannitol mobility nitrate For the presumptive identification of Enterobacteriaceae based onmannitol fermentation, germ mobility and nitrate to nitrite reduction. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 35 ± 2 °C for 18 - 24 h Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693461 10 ml tube mannitol mobility nitrate - ClearLine® 6 NC - 693412 10 ml tube mannitol mobility nitrate - ClearLine® 100 NC - Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Mossel (Broth) - EE (Broth) MRS deMan,Rogosa, Sharpe (Broth) Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693413 9 ml tube of Mossel* broth - ClearLine® 100 NC - 693371 100 ml bottle of Mossel broth- ClearLine® 10 NC - * Not in accordance with the pharmacopoeia Enrichment broth for Enterobacteriaceae according to Mossel is a selective medium recommended for the investigation of Enterobacteriaceae in foods. Complies with the European Pharmacopoeia. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 37 °C for 24 - 48 h For lactobacillus culture. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 35 °C for 3 days or 30 °C for 5 days in a CO2enriched atmosphere Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693432 9 ml tube of MRS broth - ClearLine® 100 NC - 693344 100 ml bottle of MRS broth - ClearLine® 10 NC - Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media MRS deMan,Rogosa, Sharpe (Agar) MRS deMan,Rogosa, Sharpe pH 5.7 (Agar) For lactobacillus culture. The pH 5.4 medium allows the enumeration of Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yoghurt. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 35 °C for 3 days or 30 °C for 5 days in a CO2enriched atmosphere The pH 5.7 medium allows the enumeration of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 35 °C for 3 days or 30 °C for 5 days in a CO2enriched atmosphere Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693372 100 ml bottle of MRS agar pH 5.7 ClearLine® 10 NC - Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693449 200 ml bottle of MRS agar - ClearLine® 6 NC - Mueller Hinton (Agar) Reference medium for antibiotic and sulphonamide susceptibility testing of germs. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 35 ± 2 °C for 24 h Ready-to-use media Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693373 100 ml bottle of Mueller Hinton agar - ClearLine® 10 NC - Microbiology