Analysis and Maesurements

Analysis and measurements 356 pH-metry hFast and accurate measurements hIntuitive operation hAttractive and clear colour display hNumerous peripheral options hBPL Compliant hSupplied with electrode holder, protective cover, operating instructions, guide, declaration of conformity and test certificate hKit supplied with electrode and buffer bags for pH 4.01 / 7.00 / 9.21 and 10 Model SevenCompact™ pH S210 pH meter Ranges of measurement - 2.000 to 20.000 pH - 2000 to 2000 mV - 5 °C to 130 °C Resolution 0.001/0.01/0.1 pH 0.1/1 mV 0.1 °C Accuracy ± 0.002 pH ± 0.2 mV ± 0.1 °C Sensor inputs BNC (impedance › 3 x 1012 Ω) Interfaces RS232, USB-A, USA-B Power supply 9-12 V CC/10 W Size/weight 204 x 174 x 74 mm / 890 g Cat.No. Description € 031229 pH meter SevenCompact™ pH S210-Basic N/A - 031230 pH meter Kit SevenCompact™ pH S210-Kit with electrode Inlab Expert Pro-ISM N/A - 031231 pH meter Kit SevenCompact™ pH S210-Bio with electrode InLab® routine Pro-ISM N/A - 031232 pH meter Kit SevenCompact™ pH S210-U With electrode Inlab® Versatile Pro N/A - Accessories Cat.No. Description € 031208 uMixTM magnetic stirrer N/A - 031093 RS-P25 printer including cable N/A - 031369 EasyDirect™ pH Software License N/A - 031142 USB cable 1.8 m A-B N/A - PH and conductivity measurement. hFast and accurate measurements hEasy to use hColour screen hLPG compliant hIQ/OQ capability hUSP/EP compliant for pure and ultra pure water hABNT NBR 10547:2006 compliant for bioethanol hICUMSA GS2/3-17 and GS 1/3/4/7/8-13 compliant for sugar analysis hIP54 hSupplied with electrode holder, protective cover, operating instructions, guide, declaration of conformity and test certificate hKits supplied with pH electrode and conductivity probe, pH buffer sachets (4.01 / 7.00 / 9.21 and 10) and two conductivity standards (1413 µS/cm and 12.88 mS/cm) pH Measuring range -2.000….20.000 Resolution 0.001 0.01 0.1 Accuracy ±0.002 mV Measuring range -2000.0/+2000.0 Resolution 0.1 1 ±0.1 mV (-1000….1000) Accuracy ±0.2 mV (reste of range) Conductivity Measuring range 0.001 µS/cm….1000 mS/cm Resolution 0.001….1 Accuracy ±0.5% Temperature Measuring range -30.0….+130 °C Resolution 0.1 Accuracy ±0.1% Calibration pH 5 points max (8 pre-defined buffer values or 1 customizable buffer) Conductivity 1 point (13 pre-defined standard values or 1 customisable standard) Icon electrode status Indicates the quality of the last calibration Cat.No Description € 031366 SevenCompact™ DuoO S213 pH/ conductivity meter N/A - 031367 SevenCompact™ Duo S213 pH/ conductivity meter Kit with Inlab® Expert Pro ISM pH electrode, Inlab® 731 conductivity probe N/A - 031368 SevenCompact™ Duo S213 pH/ conductivity meter Kit with Inlab® Pure Pro ISM pH electrode, Inlab® 741 conductivity probe N/A - Accessories CatNo. Description € 031369 EasyDirect™ pH Software License N/A - 031142 USB cable for EasyDirect™ pH software N/A - 031202 USB printer - P25 supplied complete N/A - 031208 µMix magnetic stirrer N/A - Mettler Toledo SevenCompact™ pH S210 benchtop meter SevenCompact™ Duo S213 benchtop pH/ conductivity meter Memory 2000 measurements Connectivity (pH; temperature conductivity; digital) BNC; Cinch/RCA (NTC 30 kΩ or Pt1000); Mini-Din; Mini-LTW Dimensions/weight 204 x 174 x 74 mm / 890 g TIP See page 362 for buffer solutions and standard conductivity solutions