MICROBIOLOGY Media Microbiology Reagents - Chemicals 578 Culture Media Dehydrated base Dehydrated base Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Supplements Moeller KCn (Broth) MIO - Medium Mobility Indole Ornithine Mossel (Broth) - EE (Broth) Mossel (Bacillus cereus - Agar) MRS deMan,Rogosa, Sharpe (Broth) Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777315 Dehydrated medium Mossel EE broth - 100 ml bottle 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 693413 9 ml tube of Mossel* broth - ClearLine® 100 N/A - 693371 100 ml bottle of Mossel broth- ClearLine® 10 N/A - * Not in accordance with the pharmacopoeia MKTTn - Müller Kauffman bright green with novobiocin (Broth) Medium used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella. The use of this medium requires the extemporaneous addition of an iodine solution. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: according to ISO 19250 and ISO 11133: 37 °C ± 1 °C for 24 ± 3 h Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777324 Dehydrated medium for MKTTn broth - Condalab 500 g N/A - Supplements For 100 ml of medium hAdd extemporaneously 20 ml of a distilled or demineralised water solution containing 5 g of potassium iodide and 4 g of iodine. Note that the complete medium must be used the same day. Cat. No. Description Pack. € 348454-CER Iodine 100 g N/A - 362405-CER Potassium iodide 250 g N/A - To differentiate enteric bacilli that have the ability to grow in the presence of cyanide. hStorage 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 35 °C ± 2 °C for 24 - 48 h Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777314 Dehydrated medium Moeller KCn Broth - Condalab 500 g N/A - Semi-solid medium for differentiation of enterobacteria by motility, ornithine decarboxylase activity and indole production. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 35 °C ± 2 °C for 24 - 48 h Enrichment broth for Enterobacteriaceae according to Mossel is a selective medium recommended for the investigation of Enterobacteriaceae in foods. Complies with the European Pharmacopoeia. hStorage: 2 - 30 °C (dehydrated base) - 2 - 8 °C (ready-to-use medium) hIncubation: 37 °C for 24 - 48 h Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777313 Dehydrated medium Indole ornithine mobility - Condalab 500 g N/A - hFor indole detection Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777535 KOVAC reagent - Condalab 100 ml N/A - 435922-CER KOVAC reagent 100 ml N/A - Recommended for the detection and enumeration of spores and vegetative forms of Bacillus cereus in foodstuffs. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 35 °C ± 2 °C for 24 - 40 h Supplements For 900 ml of medium. hEgg yolk emulsion: 100 ml hPolymixin B*: 100000 UI Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777183 Dehydrated medium Bacillus cereus selective agar according to Mossel (MYP) - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777780 100 ml bottle Egg yolk emulsion - condalab 1 N/A - 777767 Polymixin B* supplement - condalab 10 vials for 500 ml N/A - * To be reconstituted in 5 ml sterile distilled water Bacillus cereus For lactobacillus culture. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C (for dehydrated base) and 2 - 8 °C (for ready-to-use media) hIncubation: 35 °C for 3 days or 30 °C for 5 days in a CO2enriched atmosphere Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777317 Dehydrated broth medium MRS - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 693432 9 ml tube of MRS broth - ClearLine® 100 N/A - 693344 100 ml bottle of MRS broth - ClearLine® 10 N/A -