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Onmogelijk toe te voegen.Uw mandje bevat een vergrendelde offerte en moet worden voltooid voordat u andere items kunt bestellen.Toevoegen aan het winkelmandje...Artikel tegevoegd aan het winkelmandje
• Pre-saturated and solvent-free wipes • Economical distribution: controlled wipe by wipe • Patented triple-layer material and advanced formula • Colour: green • Number of folds: 1 • For hands or surfaces: remove grease, ink, paint quickly • To be used instead of a gel or soap • Prevents skin dryness
• Cleaning, disinfecting and degreasing wipes • TP1 and TP2 compatible, human use and for wiping surfaces (according to the Biocidal Products Directive) • One side slightly abrasive, perfect for scrubbing and scouring; soft and absorbent on the other side for wiping • Dispensed one by one from a canister • Size L x W: 33 x 30 cm