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Histology accessories

Microscope slides

• Particularly indicated for microscope analysis of blood, urine, tissue samples and other biological fluids for in vitro diagnostic analysis
• Dim.: 26 x 76 x 1-1.2 mm
• Thickness: 1.1 ± 0.1 mm
• Glass: transparent
• Standard Quality:with paper between slides
• Silver Quality:Without paper between slides


• Particularly indicated for microscope analysis of blood, urine, tissue samples and other biological fluids for in vitro diagnostic analysis
• Thickness: 0.13 - 0.17 mm
• Glass: transparent

Biosigma embedding cassettes

• With detachable lid
• Made from P.O.M. (polyoxymethylene) resistant to histological solutions
• Writing area suitable for printers
• Embedding cassette available without a lid
• Blue histology sponge available

Hydrophobic pen for immunostaining

• Use pen to draw a hydrophobic circle around the sample
• Insoluble in ethanol and acetone, but will wash off with xylene