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Selecteer de optie die bij u past in het "Bestemming” vervolgkeuzemenu
Graduated, narrow neck polypropylene flasks
Round flasks, graduated, wide neck, polypropylene
Standardised wide neck graduated PP or PE flasks
Wide neck flasks
Wide opening jars Nalgene
Jars with lid Nalgene
PP Mason jars
Object holders
Standardised narrow neck flasks
Specimen bottle 170 ml
High resistance bottle
Square narrow neck bottles
Square wide neck bottles
Round wide neck bottles
Round narrow neck bottles
Large square bottles
Narrow neck bottles Wheaton
Wide neck bottles Wheaton
Wide neck polypropylene round bottle
VITgrip® Screw bottles
Polypropylene bottles with wide neck
Feaces container with spoon
Polypropylène screw-cap container
Multipurpose screw-cap container
Wide Mouth Bottles
Amber polypropylene bottles, Wide neck
Empty pump bottles
Sampling jars
Urine collection bags
125 ml sample jars
Polypropylene bottle 60 ml Wheaton
Sampling bottle with sodium thiosulphate tablet