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Protease Inhibitor Mix
Nuclease Mix
Post-labeling reactive dye packs for 2D/DIGE technology
2-D Quant kit
SDS-PAGE Clean-Up Kit
Mini Dialysis Kit
Cytiva Desalting Columns
GE SpinTrap™ and MultiTrap™: enrichment of proteins using pull-down technique
Cytiva Mag Sepharose™
Amersham Protran nitrocellulose blotting membrane
Amersham Hybond PVDF blotting membrane
ECL blocking agent
ECL Prime blocking reagent
Amersham ECL™, ECL Start™, ECL Advance™, ECL Select™, ECL Prime
QuickStain staining kit for Proteins (Cy5) quantification
Labeling and detection for protein / Western Blotting / secondary antibodies
Amersham Hyperfilm™ ECL and MP
Hybond ECL Membranes
Amersham ECL protein marking and detection for Western Blot